    "meta": {
        "name": "English (US)"
    "strings": {
        "invites": "Invites",
        "invite": "Invite",
        "accounts": "Accounts",
        "settings": "Settings",
        "inviteMonths": "Months",
        "inviteDays": "Days",
        "inviteHours": "Hours",
        "inviteMinutes": "Minutes",
        "inviteNumberOfUses": "Number of uses",
        "inviteDuration": "Invite Duration",
        "warning": "Warning",
        "inviteInfiniteUsesWarning": "invites with infinite uses can be used abusively",
        "inviteSendToEmail": "Send to",
        "create": "Create",
        "apply": "Apply",
        "select": "Select",
        "name": "Name",
        "date": "Date",
        "setExpiry": "Set expiry",
        "updates": "Updates",
        "update": "Update",
        "download": "Download",
        "search": "Search",
        "advancedSettings": "Advanced Settings",
        "lastActiveTime": "Last Active",
        "from": "From",
        "after": "After",
        "before": "Before",
        "user": "User",
        "userExpiry": "User Expiry",
        "userExpiryDescription": "A specified amount of time after each signup, jfa-go will delete/disable the account. You can change this behaviour in settings.",
        "aboutProgram": "About",
        "version": "Version",
        "commitNoun": "Commit",
        "newUser": "New User",
        "profile": "Profile",
        "unknown": "Unknown",
        "label": "Label",
        "userLabel": "User Label",
        "userLabelDescription": "Label to apply to users created with this invite.",
        "logs": "Logs",
        "announce": "Announce",
        "templates": "Templates",
        "subject": "Subject",
        "message": "Message",
        "variables": "Variables",
        "conditionals": "Conditionals",
        "preview": "Preview",
        "reset": "Reset",
        "donate": "Donate",
        "unlink": "Unlink Account",
        "sendPWR": "Send Password Reset",
        "contactThrough": "Contact through:",
        "extendExpiry": "Extend expiry",
        "sendPWRManual": "User {n} has no method of contact, press copy to get a link to send to them.",
        "sendPWRSuccess": "Password reset link sent.",
        "sendPWRSuccessManual": "If the user hasn't received it, press copy to get a link to manually send to them.",
        "sendPWRValidFor": "The link is valid for 30m.",
        "customizeMessages": "Customize Messages",
        "customizeMessagesDescription": "If you don't want to use jfa-go's message templates, you can create your own using Markdown.",
        "markdownSupported": "Markdown is supported.",
        "modifySettings": "Modify Settings",
        "modifySettingsDescription": "Apply settings from an existing profile, or source them directly from a user.",
        "enableReferrals": "Enable Referrals",
        "disableReferrals": "Disable Referrals",
        "enableReferralsDescription": "Give users a personal referral link similiar to an invite, to send to friends/family. Can be sourced from a referral template in a profile, or from an existing invite.",
        "enableReferralsProfileDescription": "Give users created with this profile a personal referral link similiar to an invite, to send to friends/family. Create an invite with the desired settings, then select it here. Each referral will then be based on this invite. You can delete the invite once complete.",
        "applyHomescreenLayout": "Apply homescreen layout",
        "sendDeleteNotificationEmail": "Send notification message",
        "sendDeleteNotifiationExample": "Your account has been deleted.",
        "settingsRestart": "Restart",
        "settingsRestarting": "Restarting…",
        "settingsRestartRequired": "Restart needed",
        "settingsRestartRequiredDescription": "A restart is necessary to apply some settings you changed. Restart now or later?",
        "settingsApplyRestartLater": "Apply, restart later",
        "settingsApplyRestartNow": "Apply & restart",
        "settingsApplied": "Settings applied.",
        "settingsRefreshPage": "Refresh the page in a few seconds.",
        "settingsRequiredOrRestartMessage": "Note: {n} indicates a required field, {n} indicates changes require a restart.",
        "settingsSave": "Save",
        "ombiProfile": "Ombi user profile",
        "ombiUserDefaultsDescription": "Create an Ombi user and configure it, then select it below. It's settings/permissions will be stored and applied to new Ombi users created by jfa-go when this profile is selected.",
        "userProfiles": "User Profiles",
        "userProfilesDescription": "Profiles are applied to users when they create an account. A profile includes library access rights and homescreen layout.",
        "userProfilesIsDefault": "Default",
        "userProfilesLibraries": "Libraries",
        "addProfile": "Add Profile",
        "addProfileDescription": "Create a Jellyfin user and configure it, then select it below. When this profile is applied to an invite, new users will be created with the settings.",
        "addProfileNameOf": "Profile Name",
        "addProfileStoreHomescreenLayout": "Store homescreen layout",
        "inviteNoUsersCreated": "None yet!",
        "inviteUsersCreated": "Created users",
        "inviteNoProfile": "No Profile",
        "inviteDateCreated": "Created",
        "inviteNoInvites": "None",
        "inviteExpiresInTime": "Expires in {n}",
        "notifyEvent": "Notify on:",
        "notifyInviteExpiry": "On expiry",
        "notifyUserCreation": "On user creation",
        "sendPIN": "Ask the user to send the PIN below to the bot.",
        "searchDiscordUser": "Start typing the Discord username to find the user.",
        "findDiscordUser": "Find Discord user",
        "linkMatrixDescription": "Enter the username and password of the user to use as a bot. Once submitted, the app will restart.",
        "matrixHomeServer": "Home server address",
        "saveAsTemplate": "Save as template",
        "deleteTemplate": "Delete template",
        "templateEnterName": "Enter a name to save this template.",
        "accessJFA": "Access jfa-go",
        "accessJFASettings": "Cannot be changed as either \"Admin Only\" or \"Allow All\" has been set in Settings > General.",
        "sortingBy": "Sorting By",
        "filters": "Filters",
        "clickToRemoveFilter": "Click to remove this filter.",
        "clearSearch": "Clear search",
        "actions": "Actions",
        "searchOptions": "Search Options",
        "matchText": "Match Text",
        "jellyfinID": "Jellyfin ID",
        "userPageLogin": "User Page: Login",
        "userPagePage": "User Page: Page",
        "buildTime": "Build Time",
        "builtBy": "Built By"
    "notifications": {
        "changedEmailAddress": "Changed email address of {n}.",
        "userCreated": "User {n} created.",
        "createProfile": "Created profile {n}.",
        "saveSettings": "Settings were saved",
        "saveEmail": "Email saved.",
        "sentAnnouncement": "Announcement sent.",
        "savedAnnouncement": "Announcement saved.",
        "setOmbiProfile": "Stored ombi profile.",
        "updateApplied": "Update applied, please restart.",
        "updateAppliedRefresh": "Update applied, please refresh.",
        "telegramVerified": "Telegram account verified.",
        "accountConnected": "Account connected.",
        "referralsEnabled": "Referrals enabled.",
        "errorSettingsAppliedNoHomescreenLayout": "Settings were applied, but applying homescreen layout may have failed.",
        "errorHomescreenAppliedNoSettings": "Homescreen layout was applied, but applying settings may have failed.",
        "errorSettingsFailed": "Application failed.",
        "errorSaveEmail": "Failed to save email.",
        "errorBlankFields": "Fields were left blank",
        "errorDeleteProfile": "Failed to delete profile {n}",
        "errorLoadProfiles": "Failed to load profiles.",
        "errorCreateProfile": "Failed to create profile {n}",
        "errorSetDefaultProfile": "Failed to set default profile.",
        "errorLoadUsers": "Failed to load users.",
        "errorLoadSettings": "Failed to load settings.",
        "errorSetOmbiProfile": "Failed to store ombi profile.",
        "errorLoadOmbiUsers": "Failed to load ombi users.",
        "errorChangedEmailAddress": "Couldn't change email address of {n}.",
        "errorFailureCheckLogs": "Failed (check console/logs)",
        "errorPartialFailureCheckLogs": "Partial failure (check console/logs)",
        "errorUserCreated": "Failed to create user {n}.",
        "errorSendWelcomeEmail": "Failed to send welcome message (check console/logs)",
        "errorApplyUpdate": "Failed to apply update, try manually.",
        "errorCheckUpdate": "Failed to check for update.",
        "errorNoReferralTemplate": "Profile doesn't contain referral template, add one in settings.",
        "updateAvailable": "A new update is available, check settings.",
        "noUpdatesAvailable": "No new updates available."
    "quantityStrings": {
        "modifySettingsFor": {
            "singular": "Modify Settings for {n} user",
            "plural": "Modify Settings for {n} users"
        "enableReferralsFor": {
            "singular": "Enable Referrals for {n} user",
            "plural": "Enable Referrals for {n} users"
        "deleteNUsers": {
            "singular": "Delete {n} user",
            "plural": "Delete {n} users"
        "disableUsers": {
            "singular": "Disable {n} user",
            "plural": "Disable {n} users"
        "reEnableUsers": {
            "singular": "Re-enable {n} user",
            "plural": "Re-enable {n} users"
        "addUser": {
            "singular": "Add user",
            "plural": "Add users"
        "deleteUser": {
            "singular": "Delete User",
            "plural": "Delete Users"
        "deletedUser": {
            "singular": "Deleted {n} user.",
            "plural": "Deleted {n} users."
        "disabledUser": {
            "singular": "Disabled {n} user.",
            "plural": "Disabled {n} users."
        "enabledUser": {
            "singular": "Enabled {n} user.",
            "plural": "Enabled {n} users."
        "announceTo": {
            "singular": "Announce to {n} user",
            "plural": "Announce to {n} users"
        "appliedSettings": {
            "singular": "Applied settings to {n} user.",
            "plural": "Applied settings to {n} users."
        "extendExpiry": {
            "singular": "Extend expiry for {n} user",
            "plural": "Extend expiry for {n} users"
        "setExpiry": {
            "singular": "Set expiry for {n} user",
            "plural": "Set expiry for {n} users"
        "extendedExpiry": {
            "singular": "Extended expiry for {n} user.",
            "plural": "Extended expiry for {n} users."