-docker create \
- --name "jfa-go" \ # Whatever you want to name it
- -p 8056:8056 \
- # -p 8057:8057 if using tls
- -v /path/to/.config/jfa-go:/data \ # Path to wherever you want to store the config file and other data
- -v /path/to/jellyfin:/jf \ # Path to Jellyfin config directory, ignore if using Emby
- -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \ # Makes sure time is correct
- hrfee/jfa-gohrfee/jfa-go:unstable
docker create \
+ --name "jfa-go" \ # Whatever you want to name it
+ -p 8056:8056 \
+ # -p 8057:8057 if using tls
+ -v /path/to/.config/jfa-go:/data \ # Path to wherever you want to store the config file and other data
+ -v /path/to/jellyfin:/jf \ # Path to Jellyfin config directory, ignore if using Emby
+ -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \ # Makes sure time is correct
+ hrfee/jfa-go:unstable