# Views and endpoints for the initial setup from flask import request, jsonify, render_template from configparser import RawConfigParser from jellyfin_accounts.jf_api import Jellyfin from jellyfin_accounts import config, config_path, app, first_run, resp from jellyfin_accounts import web_log as log import os if first_run: def tempJF(server): return Jellyfin( server, config["jellyfin"]["client"], config["jellyfin"]["version"], config["jellyfin"]["device"] + "_temp", config["jellyfin"]["device_id"] + "_temp", ) @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(e): return render_template("404.html"), 404 @app.route("/", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def setup(): return render_template("setup.html") @app.route("/") def static_proxy(path): if "html" not in path: return app.send_static_file(path) else: return render_template("404.html"), 404 @app.route("/modifyConfig", methods=["POST"]) def modifyConfig(): log.info("Config modification requested") data = request.get_json() temp_config = RawConfigParser(comment_prefixes="/", allow_no_value=True) temp_config.read(config_path) for section in data: if section in temp_config: for item in data[section]: if item in temp_config[section]: temp_config[section][item] = data[section][item] data[section][item] = True log.debug(f"{section}/{item} modified") else: data[section][item] = False log.debug(f"{section}/{item} does not exist in config") with open(config_path, "w") as config_file: temp_config.write(config_file) log.debug("Config written") # ugly exit, sorry os._exit(1) return resp() @app.route("/testJF", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def testJF(): data = request.get_json() tempjf = tempJF(data["jfHost"]) try: tempjf.authenticate(data["jfUser"], data["jfPassword"]) tempjf.getUsers(public=False) return resp() except: return resp(False)