function parseInvite(invite, empty = false) { if (empty === true) { return ["None", "", "1"] } else { var i = ["", "", "0", invite['email']]; i[0] = invite['code']; if (invite['hours'] == 0) { i[1] = invite['minutes'] + 'm'; } else if (invite['minutes'] == 0) { i[1] = invite['hours'] + 'h'; } else { i[1] = invite['hours'] + 'h ' + invite['minutes'] + 'm'; } i[1] = "Expires in " + i[1] + " "; return i } } function addItem(invite) { var links = document.getElementById('invites'); var listItem = document.createElement('li'); = invite[0] listItem.classList.add('list-group-item', 'd-flex', 'justify-content-between', 'd-inline-block'); var listCode = document.createElement('div'); listCode.classList.add('d-flex', 'align-items-center', 'text-monospace'); var codeLink = document.createElement('a'); codeLink.setAttribute('style', 'margin-right: 2%;'); codeLink.appendChild(document.createTextNode(invite[0].replace(/-/g, '‑'))); listCode.appendChild(codeLink); listItem.appendChild(listCode); var listRight = document.createElement('div'); 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listDelete.classList.add('btn', 'btn-outline-danger'); listDelete.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Delete')); listRight.appendChild(listDelete); }; listItem.appendChild(listRight); links.appendChild(listItem); }; function updateInvite(invite) { var expiry = document.getElementById(invite[0] + '_expiry'); expiry.textContent = invite[1]; } function removeInvite(code) { var item = document.getElementById(code); item.parentNode.removeChild(item); } function generateInvites(empty = false) { // document.getElementById('invites').textContent = ''; if (empty === false) { $.ajax('/getInvites', { type : 'GET', dataType : 'json', contentType: 'json', xhrFields : { withCredentials: true }, beforeSend : function (xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + btoa(window.token + ":")); }, data: { get_param: 'value' }, complete: function(response) { var data = JSON.parse(response['responseText']); if (data['invites'].length == 0) { document.getElementById('invites').textContent = ''; addItem(parseInvite([], true)); } else { data['invites'].forEach(function(invite) { var match = false; var items = document.getElementById('invites').children; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if (items[i].id == invite['code']) { match = true; updateInvite(parseInvite(invite)); }; }; if (match == false) { addItem(parseInvite(invite)); }; }); var items = document.getElementById('invites').children; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { var exists = false; data['invites'].forEach(function(invite) { if (items[i].id == invite['code']) { exists = true; } }); if (exists == false) { removeInvite(items[i].id); } }; }; } }); } else if (empty === true) { document.getElementById('invites').textContent = ''; addItem(parseInvite([], true)); }; }; function deleteInvite(code) { var send = JSON.stringify({ "code": code }); $.ajax('/deleteInvite', { data : send, contentType : 'application/json', type : 'POST', xhrFields : { withCredentials: true }, beforeSend : function (xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + btoa(window.token + ":")); }, success: function() { generateInvites(); }, }); }; function addOptions(le, sel) { for (v = 0; v <= le; v++) { var opt = document.createElement('option'); opt.appendChild(document.createTextNode(v)) opt.value = v sel.appendChild(opt) } }; function toClipboard(str) { const el = document.createElement('textarea'); el.value = str; el.setAttribute('readonly', ''); = 'absolute'; = '-9999px'; document.body.appendChild(el); const selected = document.getSelection().rangeCount > 0 ? document.getSelection().getRangeAt(0) : false;; document.execCommand('copy'); document.body.removeChild(el); if (selected) { document.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); document.getSelection().addRange(selected); } }; $("form#inviteForm").submit(function() { var button = document.getElementById('generateSubmit'); button.disabled = true; button.innerHTML = '' + 'Loading...'; var send_object = $("form#inviteForm").serializeObject(); if (document.getElementById('send_to_address') != null) { if (document.getElementById('send_to_address_enabled').checked) { send_object['email'] = document.getElementById('send_to_address').value; } } var send = JSON.stringify(send_object); $.ajax('/generateInvite', { data : send, contentType : 'application/json', type : 'POST', xhrFields : { withCredentials: true }, beforeSend : function (xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + btoa(window.token + ":")); }, success: function() { button.textContent = 'Generate'; button.disabled = false; generateInvites(); }, }); return false; }); $("form#loginForm").submit(function() { window.token = ""; var details = $("form#loginForm").serializeObject(); var errorArea = document.getElementById('loginErrorArea'); errorArea.textContent = ''; var button = document.getElementById('loginSubmit'); button.disabled = true; button.innerHTML = '' + 'Loading...'; $.ajax('/getToken', { type : 'GET', dataType : 'json', contentType: 'json', xhrFields : { withCredentials: true }, beforeSend : function (xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + btoa(details['username'] + ":" + details['password'])); }, data: { get_param: 'value' }, complete: function(data) { if (data['status'] == 401) { button.disabled = false; button.textContent = 'Login'; var wrongPassword = document.createElement('div'); wrongPassword.classList.add('alert', 'alert-danger'); wrongPassword.setAttribute('role', 'alert'); wrongPassword.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Incorrect username or password.')); errorArea.appendChild(wrongPassword); } else { window.token = JSON.parse(data['responseText'])['token']; generateInvites(); var interval = setInterval(function() { generateInvites(); }, 60 * 1000); var hour = document.getElementById('hours'); addOptions(24, hour); hour.selected = "0"; var minutes = document.getElementById('minutes'); addOptions(59, minutes); minutes.selected = "30"; $('#login').modal('hide'); } } }); return false; }); document.getElementById('openSettings').onclick = function () { $('#settingsMenu').modal('show'); } document.getElementById('openDefaultsWizard').onclick = function () { this.disabled = true; this.innerHTML = '' + 'Loading...'; $.ajax('getUsers', { type : 'GET', dataType : 'json', contentType : 'json', xhrFields : { withCredentials: true }, beforeSend : function (xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + btoa(window.token + ":")); 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}; button.classList.add('btn-success'); button.disabled = false; setTimeout(function(){$('#userDefaults').modal('hide');}, 1000); }, error: function() { button.textContent = 'Failed'; button.classList.remove('btn-primary'); button.classList.add('btn-danger'); setTimeout(function(){ var button = document.getElementById('storeDefaults'); button.textContent = 'Submit'; button.classList.remove('btn-danger'); button.classList.add('btn-primary'); button.disabled = false; }, 1000); } }); } } }; document.getElementById('openUsers').onclick = function () { this.disabled = true; this.innerHTML = '' + 'Loading...'; $.ajax('/getUsers', { type : 'GET', dataType : 'json', contentType: 'json', xhrFields : { withCredentials: true }, beforeSend : function (xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + btoa(window.token + ":")); }, data: { get_param: 'value' }, complete : function(data) { if (data['status'] == 200) { var list = document.getElementById('userList'); list.textContent = ''; if (document.getElementById('saveUsers')) { document.getElementById('saveUsers').remove(); 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