import time import json import os import datetime import pytz import requests import smtplib import ssl from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from pathlib import Path from watchdog.observers import Observer from import FileSystemEventHandler from dateutil import parser as date_parser from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader, Template from __main__ import config from __main__ import email_log as log class Email(): def __init__(self, address): self.address = address log.debug(f'{self.address}: Creating email') self.content = {} self.subject = config['email']['subject'] log.debug(f'{self.address}: Using subject {self.subject}') self.from_address = config['email']['address'] self.from_name = config['email']['from'] log.debug(( f'{self.address}: Sending from {self.from_address} ' + f'({self.from_name})')) def construct(self, reset): log.debug(f'{self.address}: Constructing email content') try: expiry = date_parser.parse(reset['ExpirationDate']) expiry = expiry.replace(tzinfo=None) except: log.error(f"{self.address}: Couldn't parse expiry time") return False current_time = if expiry >= current_time: log.debug(f'{self.address}: Invite valid') date = expiry.strftime(config['email']['date_format']) if config.getboolean('email', 'use_24h'): log.debug(f'{self.address}: Using 24h time') time = expiry.strftime('%H:%M') else: log.debug(f'{self.address}: Using 12h time') time = expiry.strftime('%-I:%M %p') expiry_delta = (expiry - current_time).seconds expires_in = {'hours': expiry_delta//3600, 'minutes': (expiry_delta//60) % 60} if expires_in['hours'] == 0: expires_in = f'{str(expires_in["minutes"])}m' else: expires_in = (f'{str(expires_in["hours"])}h ' + f'{str(expires_in["minutes"])}m') log.debug(f'{self.address}: Expires in {expires_in}') sp = Path(config['email']['email_template']) / '..' sp = str(sp.resolve()) + '/' templateLoader = FileSystemLoader(searchpath=sp) templateEnv = Environment(loader=templateLoader) file_text = Path(config['email']['email_plaintext']).name file_html = Path(config['email']['email_template']).name template = {} template['text'] = templateEnv.get_template(file_text) template['html'] = templateEnv.get_template(file_html) email_message = config['email']['message'] for key in template: c = template[key].render(username=reset['UserName'], expiry_date=date, expiry_time=time, expires_in=expires_in, pin=reset['Pin'], message=email_message) self.content[key] = c'{self.address}: {key} constructed') return True else: err = ((f"{self.address}: " + "Reset has reportedly already expired. " + "Ensure timezones are correctly configured.")) log.error(err) return False class Mailgun(Email): def __init__(self, address): super().__init__(address) self.api_url = config['mailgun']['api_url'] self.api_key = config['mailgun']['api_key'] self.from_mg = f'{self.from_name} <{self.from_address}>' def send(self): response =, auth=("api", self.api_key), data={"from": self.from_mg, "to": [self.address], "subject": self.subject, "text": self.content['text'], "html": self.content['html']}) if response.ok:'{self.address}: Sent via mailgun.') return True log.debug(f'{self.address}: Mailgun: {response.status_code}') return response class Smtp(Email): def __init__(self, address): super().__init__(address) self.server = config['smtp']['server'] self.password = config['smtp']['password'] try: self.port = int(config['smtp']['port']) except ValueError: self.port = 465 log.debug(f'{self.address}: Defaulting to port {self.port}') self.context = ssl.create_default_context() def send(self): message = MIMEMultipart("alternative") message["Subject"] = self.subject message["From"] = self.from_address message["To"] = self.address text = MIMEText(self.content['text'], 'plain') html = MIMEText(self.content['html'], 'html') message.attach(text) message.attach(html) try: with smtplib.SMTP_SSL(self.server, self.port, context=self.context) as server: server.login(self.from_address, self.password) server.sendmail(self.from_address, self.address, message.as_string())'{self.address}: Sent via smtp') return True except Exception as e: err = f'{self.address}: Failed to send via smtp: ' err += type(e).__name__ log.error(err) class Watcher: def __init__(self, dir): = Observer() self.dir = str(dir) def run(self): event_handler = Handler(), self.dir, recursive=True) try: while True: time.sleep(5) except:'Watchdog stopped') class Handler(FileSystemEventHandler): @staticmethod def on_any_event(event): if event.is_directory: return None elif (event.event_type == 'modified' and 'passwordreset' in event.src_path): log.debug(f'Password reset file: {event.src_path}') with open(event.src_path, 'r') as f: reset = json.load(f)'New password reset for {reset["UserName"]}') try: with open(config['files']['emails'], 'r') as f: emails = json.load(f) address = emails[reset['UserName']] method = config['email']['method'] if method == 'mailgun': email = Mailgun(address) elif method == 'smtp': email = Smtp(address) if email.construct(reset): email.send() except (FileNotFoundError, json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, IndexError) as e: err = f'{address}: Failed: ' + type(e).__name__ log.error(err) def start():'Monitoring {config["email"]["watch_directory"]}') w = Watcher(config['email']['watch_directory'])